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Wednesday 13 February 2019

Respect your wife Man!

The endless ringing from my phone has brought my business in the restroom to an untimely end. By the time I dashed back  to the room to pick the call, it stopped, annoyingly.  it was my friend ‘Teniola’ who has being  calling me. Such an ungodly hour stilfor her to call; I wondered. While I danced back and fort in an eloquent dilemma, to call her back or  not to . On the clock it was midnight already. I concluded to fashi till morning. But What if she it was an emergency and I was the first contact on her contact! Fuck it! I decided to call ,just when I was about to call a what’s up message drops ,yet again, the nessage was from her and like a curious cat I opened the message, too quickly to find out about her troubles. What I found next was even bigger that I anticipated.

“ I have finally left your friend Leo” she began “ I can no longer tolerate him " she apologied,as she continued “ heaven knows I love him, I have never loved anyone like I love him ” reading through those first line broke through every single wall of emotions within me. I know her ,for she is a very strong person ,but leaving was too extreme no matter the situation. Perhaps a little patience more could have helped. Yet again my curiosity will not let me rest , for the suspense was too much ,I needed to know why ,I needed to know how a marriage not upto a year would crash so quickly. I know my friend can be impossible besides, i was with him a few days ago, he didnt look trouble or anything! ” There is nothing I do that is ever good in his eyes ,there is nothing I ever do that he appreciates. we have being struggling, he complains about everything. He complains about my cookings  and compares it to other women, he would insult me from morning to evening, I am never good for anything. Sometimes he would insult me and disrespect my parents in my presence, he complains about my job ,he complains about everything ,there is absolutely  nothing I ever do that is good enough for your friend. He doesn’t regard me! Neither does he respect me. I don’t even need anything from him but a little thank you would have gone a long way sometimes. I would close from my work and rush straight to the market,just to make sure he doesn't complain. Upon arrival from the market and coupled with the stress from work only for  your friend to say he is not going to eat my food,that the food was too late. Leo ,the reason I have put up with him for this long was because I didn’t want any third party, but as it is, I no longer care, I want to be happy , I deserve to be happy . It’s been 3 weeks and 4days since he last spoke to me ,the only time i get his attention is in bed and it is without emotions or feelings. There is practically nothing I do that is ever good enough and worst still, he has a bad temper . Whenever  he is angry I usually lock myself in my room ,he would… I am scared Leo , I think I may have made a mistake about “Semiu” he never showed me any of this vices while we were dating and I asked you Leo, I did and you promised me that he was a great guy, he pretended and now look at where I have found myself, is a shame that this my predicament now. As I am already on my way to Lagos, I am sorry if my decisions disappoints you. This is the end between your friend and I, I have a young daughter that needs me, good bye Old friend".

Regardless of the shambolic nature of this situation , the worst fate that could possibly befall any man is to let a good woman go. There is no retribution, no punishment enough that can equal that fate. When your woman  stops believing in you, or stop loving you, at this point just know that you are  finished. When you as a man push your woman to that point of self realization, where she now know how powerful she is or how she can survive without you ! My brother just know it is finished. Samiu my friend, so much size for an eyeballs, I have always wondered how someone could have ginormous balls hanging on his head and still can not see the truth. Truth they say “Opkolo eye, e no be open eye”.

Needless to say, that on several occasions I have  come to your house and i complained bitterly about this your sick attitude towards this woman.Well, am beginning to think  that truly , some men are not just lovable. Regardless of all your short comings ,she is mostly aware of your stupid life of adultery, yet she never complained once, and to say that It was because of me she finally choose get married to you just makes  me as much as guilty as you are Samiu.

I know there are lot of women going through almost the same predicament as Teniola. You find yourself stuck with a man who do not appreciate anything you do. Nothing is ever good enough in his eyes. That’s a very terrible attitude, it is not good at all. A real man should be able to take care of his family, it is  your duty as a man to make your family happy at all times. I know sometimes it cacan be difficult to handle but ,let it be known that you tried. Courtesy demands that you say thank you when anyone does any thing for you. Attitude is a very important virtue ,you must discipline yourself enough to  lead well. Empathy is also key ,for a woman to leave het parent's house only to be stuck with a man that gives her hell,  that’s not fair at all. Respect your home ,treat you wife nice, shower her with love and gift.

More so, always remember that every home has it’s  challenges , there is a regular saying that “ it is hair that covered a monkey that makes us all think it doesn’t sweat” marriage is not a bed of roses, divorce is not a good option. As husband and wife, you both must learn to endure one another, you must accept as a man that you do not have any other option aside your wife.

Furthermore, both party must know the importance of  communication and discipline . I know it’s sometimes hard  to ignore all the distractions out there. No matter what, do not bring them home, do not indulge in act you will never be proud of when you search deep down your heart. As a man, you must learn to appreciate your woman tell her sorry every time, sorry not because you are wrong, but sorry because you care about her well being than just being right. Appreciate her , make her feel like a queen ,tell her how much you are so lucky to have her in your life. Then you will eventually see how fast she grows into being the woman you have always wanted her to be.


  1. Letting a good woman go is the worst mistake AMY man can EVER make. There's no better way to put it cos that lingering regret will never be snuffed out...

    1. When you find her! Keep her at all cost. As a matter of fact,she is not negotiable

  2. Its actually fact for a man not to let a good woman go... But how many of them men knows that?? Or they do know that but but actually pretend not to know?
    Hmmmmm! Sometimes the strongest women are the ones who love beyond all measures,cry behind closed doors and fight battles no one know about... I have actually seen first hand how an unhappy marriage can break woman...

    1. You will always find a well packaged distraction meant just for you,one May call it trial . These days not many men are deciplined enough for this very her age. An era where temptation is completely affordable.

  3. Hmmmm... I'll never miss a good thing till u loose it, finally u realise that you need it Nd you want it back but you can't get it back. No one is perfect,but with love patience and understanding we can overcome any mountain. Nicely done bro.
