The inevitability In Ageing can never be over emphasized. Many women today, invest a fortune just to see their body remain young. Worst still , most people even prefer to go through extreme measures just to play a fast one on nature as the case might be. Women these days, the ones in their late forties and fifties run rampage in their ambitious voyage against time. From one anti-aging cream to another, from one surgical procedure to another. All in the quest to remove any sign that may depict ageing on their bodies whatsoever . While some prefer to go under the knife for some procedures , others pick the options to lift up Olympus that has long fallen. This very pursuits of vague happiness has been made even easier with the help of modern technology in the field of medicine.
However, the sudden urge to having a perfect body is suddenly on the trend. Millions upon millions of dollars continue to go in and out of this new found elixir. Worst still is that, the young ladies are not left out of this madness. Many young women in this generation can hardly be comptempted with their natural beauty. Nothing is real anymore with the recent upgrades in makeup kits, that unequivocally cast spells on any man , is nothing but mundane . This very illusion of elixir, the holy grail for modern women today may be regarded as madness by many today. Most researches done, has proven that the money for maintaining the aftermath of any surgical procedure is mostly expensive than the surgery itself . How ironic is it, that no matter how long one keep nature out, nature always win eventually. She is patient, she waits until you are done with every shenanigans and then she takes over.
One maybe, right to say that it is perhaps regrets that make women venture into this illusion of elixir ,hoping they could just turn back The hands of time and do the things they never had the opportunity to do.
The life is no longer about yesterday ;but today, no longer about today; but now. A wise man once said “life is what you live now, as you wait for other things to come”. When Age comes, make room, she has come to stay against your will. Embrace her, she is the representation of time, and any time spent, can never be gotten back. Instead, embrace her, welcome her and just flow. Ageing is beautiful when you accept it.
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