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Friday 8 February 2019

It is  common fact,that the most  peculiar issues in marriages today is that .There seems to be this power hustle in most marriages today. We will like to use this avenue to clear the air as regards.


  1. Replies
    1. Religiously it's clear the man is above the woman, but in recent times I think it's a matter of understanding between the partners

  2. Equality is not biblical, for God make the man the head..1 Corinthians 11vs 3.
    Wives are to submit to their husbands in all things.Ephesians 5vs 22: when one submit to another, that does not sounds like an equality, when is suppose to be the lead.
    However, in a Christ centered marriage, subjects of equity or not will not be an issue. Ephesians 5 vs 25: husband love your wife as Christ love the church and gave his life for it.
    Vs 28: so men ought to love their wives as their own body.he that loveth his wife loveth himself. From here, who is greater will not be an issue bcos competing with your own wife is like competing with yourself

    1. I am tempted to ask.How about in a situation where the man has lost his way completely in the way of the Lord,and he is impossible to deal with.

    2. Yes definitely there can of man and wife in marriage irrespective of who is the head or the tail or neck of the family as the case may my own opinion, it all boils down to mutual respect and understanding and the healthy communication between man and wife.

  3. Men and women were never created to be equal if you believe in the existence of God anyway. The Creator skillfully created us differently for a purpose and if only we'll stick to the original plan we'll be happier. Its easier for a man to be a man than to be a woman hence any "organize movement" by anyone in the name of gender equality or sensitization is like fighting against nature. An aquatic animal can never live on land better than a land animal.

  4. I believe wen marriage has taken place both the man and the woman are now one.. Decision are made by both.. So the bottom line is if there is undastanding and love.. Both will have equal right irrespective of the saying man is the head of the house

    1. WI'll mean the responsibilitled be shared equal too?

  5. King James Version
    But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.1 Timothy 5:8

  6. Would women be right if to say,that a man that can not provide for his loved ones and family is decribed to be an infidel.will it not mean that such a man already broken the word of the lord?

    1. I think you're getting the scripture wrong. I'm not a Bible person tho so let the pastors get in here

  7. While there are also animals that live/depend on a combination of both land and water to survive like the toad which is an amphibian...i still agree with you Emmanuel but also the world is evolving. I believe in a marriage that is gender inequality free, both couples can play each others role when the understanding is there. Ave seen families where by due to circumstances the man wasn't able to be the breadwinner due to setback in his business and the wife took it upon herself and carried the family out of The man didn't stop being a man and the woman didn't start being the man and neither did she rub it in his face.

    1. I keep hearing it everyday as women continue to say in all pride and ego "i am not your slave,I go to work just as you do too"

    2. That is where mutual respect comes into play. I can't marry woman I have little or no respect for. No one should.

  8. The context of "equality" here should be understood. The husband and wife are one. Whatever affects the husband, affects the wife and vice versa. Its marriage, not the military.

    1. Scenarios where the wife has refused to do her responsibility as wife,just because she is educated,maybe she earns more than the husband .worst still,she shoulders more responsibility at home.I don't think it can be equal with that home,it takes an highly spiritually incline woman to look beyond all this and still submit.Most fight begins with the man's inability to pull his pants up and take care of his responsibility.there is no equality in marriage,it is when you ask a woman to shoulder responsibility that issues begin to rise from

  9. There is a popular saying that two captain cannot captain a ship. Even the scripture has perfectly said it that wife submit yourselves to your husband. So equality in marriage shouldn't be something to be fighting for it should come as a blessing and the woman should see it as an evidence of love not her right. But that doesn't mean the man should take the opportunity and lord it over her. If there is love in a home, then everybody takes his/her place and but it is not obvious who the head is because there is unity.

  10. Marriage vows doesn't AUTOMATICALLY change the couple. The change can only take effect if and only if the couple hold it sacred. If not, they become just words that were recited.

  11. Just like food and water are equally important to live, a husband and wife are equally important for a healthy marriage. Nobody is superior to the other. There must always be equality in a marriage. You being the head of a home doesn't make you superior in whatsoever way.
    Communication is a very important tool for a healthy marriage and husband and wife must talk to each other and discuss their life together. This means that a husband and wife take decisions together. Nobody should be presumed to be doing something just because of their gender. Gender does not make someone superior to the other.

    1. I respect this perspective,but i think it is clearly contemporary.i want to believe Marriage should be ancient

    2. I want to believe that ideas do evolve. So does ideas about marriage. in the ancient times we had more of housewives, i believe now the number is decreasing. People change, ideas change and so does marriage. As we change, so does everything around. The idea about marriage just changed. It isn't contemporary.

  12. Most women often use the phrase in "I will change when we get married" sometimes one is tempted to think if the ring has some super powers that just activates,as soon a you where d ring. Funny as it is,I think most women think of "The Lord OF the ring" by j. T Tolkien when they say d vows lol

  13. As a matter of research! I think most women become more relax when they get married.they suddenly become worst,more relaxed as they exude strange attitudes from before marriage

  14. Probably because of added responsibilities

  15. Well for me I'd say the issue of equality is a very peculiar issue, first off a man and woman become one in a home but the husband has been set as the head of the home, from observation most homes that lack this union of partnership and oneness hinders on the inability of the husband to carry out his responsibilities be it physically, financially, socially and otherwise. It takes a whole lot of spirituality for a woman to be able to overcome all these and still see him as the head especially if for instance she's the breadwinner of the family
