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Tuesday 12 February 2019

All about date nights.

A friend of mine walked in to my house last night feeling bad and depressed. I wondered why , at first he didn’t look like he was going to want to talk bout it. As a matter of fact, i noticed he didn’t come to me to actually talk about it, I think he came around because he needed to just take his mind of his problem; perhaps if we gist about a thing or two he might shake the mood off. When he came In, I was watching a fine romantic movie ,I didn’t know it was a bad idea. While I was busy enjoying my movie! I didn’t know that my friend was wallowing in some depressing  funny emotional issues. By the time the movie was over ,my friend looked like a teenage boy whom his girl friend just told, that she missed her period. By the time he was ready to say something,  he had to make me promise; to not call him an idiot. I did, but not for long . By the the time he was done with his narrating his troubles, i realized the only word that could express how I feel at that particular time was "idiot". what a class act of a joke my friend really is. i began to wonder about the expression "who goes to a gun fight with a stick? If not Mr Ken Olaoluwa Tosin.

Ken has never really being  the girl kind of person, he doesn’t really socialize much, as a matter of fact he is a little rusty when it comes to Keeping relationships  with the opposite sex. By the time my friend told me all that happened on his date, with a girl that  took him over 7 months to approach! I just shook my head and felt like giving him a sucker punch, and I am very sure you all will be tempted to do worst by the time you all heard all he did.

There are  things you should  never say or do  on your first date. For no reason should you , My friend did and scattered ground with just 3 questions that landed  the entire night in a total disaster. Well, am very sure he won’t forget this one in a hurry. Regardless of the fact that, I didn't quite get the  reason why there is an icecream chunk hanging on his back. Well, part of me still believes there might be more to This very version of his story , I wish I had an eye witness. This were the things my friend said to the supposed lady he went out with on a date,he had planned on his head for weeks.

1. Tell me about yourself : like seriously, well, too strong of a start to begin with. Needless to say that I am not against the question asked by Mr Ken. I am concerned about “The how” how the lady is going to react to that kind of question, that came with an official tone, with such authority like an interview. I became tempted to ask when the whole date thing happened , and he said it was  "just this evening" he said in a very very down tone. In all curiousity, i ask again, how come it was suit you decided to wear to a date in this kind of hot dey fall Boys hands abeg, haba! Error number 1. you should have at least gone home and change to something a bit user friendly, am sure you've being wearing this all day, you should have gone home first and change to something a bit social at least. How did she react to the question I asked Ken? By the look on Ken's face, i had all the answers i needed. Next time, I just hope there will be next time with her, try to be more  friendly, funny, try to make her laugh, make her comfortable with you first. You have to establish that trust with her first, then be yourself and just be cool. She didn’t come for a job interview! She came to have fun with you and you blew it, by being a Jackass.

2. How old are you : who does that, who ask a lady her age on a date. That is disrespect of the highest order. There are questions you never ask a lady , especially  on a first date. There are a lot of thing my friend could be doing like flattering her, saying some sweet things about her looks and all. Instead, he chooses to be an Ass.

3. Are you a virgin: who in the name of God,ask that kind of question. Rediculous, stupid question. If i was her, the kind of insult i will rain down on you! You would need umbrella. Like who were you again! The virginity police! I am disappointed in you my friend and I am completely ashamed of myself  for being your friend.I don’t where I  was when you  were becoming this much of a disaster  . Yet again, I was tempted to hear her reply , she just excused herself and left. “she left me their without saying a word” but deep within me I think the lady said enough. I didn't know there were still guys like this , until yesterday. Few tips, 5 things you must know before going on a date.

1 . You must respect the  lady and show it to her, you must be ready to impress her by being a gentleman. You must always do everything  after her. First ,you don't seat unless she does, the waiter gets her orders first befor yours. Research has proven that women like to feel important, they like to be treated like a queen,so treat her as such.

2. Pay attention to her ,ask her about her day at work or whatever it is that she does ,do not bore her with burning questions. Make it look like a conversation.

3. Make sure you are dressed for the occasion: do not dress too serious, look clean ,wear a decent hair , make sure you smell nice and make sure you both maintain eye contact at interval. The eyes they say , is the window to the soul. From the looks on her eyes you should be able to know if you are doing ok or not. After she has something to eat or drink,you may
Tell her about yourself, be honest. Women like it when a guy is honest and straight in a funny way.

4.Tell her about your feeling for her, establish your prospect ,establish how much you would love to see her again. Try to to be emotional,most ladies are always curious to know about your last relationship, be very careful man, this one is a tricky one.Be honest,she is just looking for territory.

5.Make sure you accompany her the cab or her car,when you are done. This gesture is always very important.  If you are dropping her off, make sure you open the door for her and ensure she is already settled before you go to your driver’s seat.Before you move, relax and ask her if she had fun,If you do everything completely, you won’t end up like my friend here Ken. Am sure, she you will see her again.


  1. This Ken guy really got me laughing.....but I guess there won't be a next time

  2. Nice one but to me, Ken was just trying to follow the traits of approach he knows best cous I am very familiar with the his ways of questioning...

  3. I hope boys will learn from Ken and become Man, because no Mature man will asked such questions on a 1st date

    1. There are lots of people around us like Mr Ken o! "Na who den catch be thief o" lol

  4. Men! To soon girl no easy o ,sometimes your brain and your mouth can just start unnecessary arguements I,before you know sombody will now start sounding like a broken record!
