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Wednesday 15 April 2020



                        4 REASONS.
                       WHY  LADIES     
                ADVISE EACH OTHER

Many will agree that women are such a terrible advisers,especially on subjects like  relationship.

 Not too many understand the reasons why they just can not tell each other the truth.

Most ladies prefers to seek the wisdom of a guy instead,than to confide in their friends that are girls.

As ironic as it may sound,what are we friends for if we cant trust each other.

Trust me you don't wanna know the answer to that one!

So am gonna zip...

And just do my thing...

Needless to say how difficult it is

Such a tough pill to swallow...

Still why?

I mean,not like most of them cant;
But obviously they just won't...

Give each other a good relationship advise...

But am here and now am gonna tell you all the "WHY"...

Please don't say I told you...

Allow me  to quickly state the 4 best reasons why
Ladies are so terrible at advising each other.

I think some of these things are probably  things we see everyday...
And the reason is simple...
You will see...

1. COMPETITION :As much a two girls can be friends from way back,all their lives they've been friends, still they are so  watchful of each other.

 Women like to competite with each other,its like a cold war,everything just happening in their heads.

They never accept it when it's about their friend's success story.

It's crazy right!

I know...

But it's also true...
The question of "why not me" always come up with ladies.How can she have a boyfriend and
I don't,why is she riding a car and I dont!

So I have to get a car...

No matter the costs...

Am sure a lot girls can relate

Guys would find stuffs like  these very funny..

But girls,its no joke.

2.JEALOUSY: Jealousy is a very crazy thing,most ladies don't trust anyone with their boyfriends;especially their friends.

It happens a lot that just because a guy like some girl and her friends will
Want to just destroy the relationship.

Don't ask me why?

Nobody knows...

she prefers,for both of  them to  not have a guy.


Is that crazy?


I think it is,
Am sure a lot of people can relate to these.

Out of jealousy,most women have done despicable
Things to one another.

Very crazy...

Jealousy,the constant jealousy that exudes from women can be unbelivable attimes.

Why do you have to wish your friend bad ,just becuase he she is getting married.

Or she is successful

Countless times have we seen friends do hideous things to each other,just out of jealousy.

You can trust me on this one...

Women hate it especially when their friends are progressing and they seems to be stocked.

3.FRIENDS HAVE THE SAME TASTE: A lady once told me that, one of the reasons why she don't trust any other girl.

Not even her sister.

She said this and made me see that she was dead serious.

Girls naturally  have the same taste for guys,and that's why when a girl has a boyfriend;they  find  it very hard to show some of  their friends.


Making sense right!

You never can tell she might pick interest and can go any length just to see that her friend's boyfriend ends up with her .

It's crazy but it's true,ladies will never trust each other.

I know you probably  wondering too...

I think that's the way they are...

That's just how  God created them.

Who are we to question. ..

4.UNFORGIVENESS: A friend of mine once said women hardly forgive each other.

That's wired..

I thought so too..

They hardly do, and according to my friend who happens to be an expert in anything that concerns women.

Once said, even when women have issues with each other,they hardly forget,so they hardly forgive.

All they do is pretend and just wait.

That's so cold shit ...

Don't think?

She  just wait for an opportunity to get her revenge.

Very crazy...

He said,it has everything to do with the way they are configured...

Thats a crazy  configuration

But we the men,love them like that.

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