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Wednesday 20 February 2019

Where have they all gone

The shambolic nature that once threatened the security of the country Nigeria is suddenly put to bed. One May wonder for how long, as others are tempted to think about the odds in this very equation. The senseless killings by the Fulani Herdsmen is suddenly put on hold. Shocking, as everyone now wonders about where they have they all suddenly gone to? Offcourse, we are more than grateful for the fine peace we now enjoy. The country can now breath or sleep with both eyes closed. The government of the day have saved us all, but for how long how long before the next strike. Have they all gone for break until after the election too. Strange, anyone May call it, the complete quietness from once formidable raven dog ; permits us all to raise our eyebrow.

Need I remind us of the mayhem this society has faced in the recent times past, The audacious insecurity from this incumbent regime. There are palpable evidence that the Nigerian security agencies, at times, encouraged, and even, aided herdsmen attacks on farming villages. In the first eight to nine months of the year 2018, with the obvious acquiescence of the Buhari administration, Fulani herdsmen killed more than 2, 075 persons, burnt down 2, 850 houses and displaced more than 104, 300 individuals.

The sudden hold on the spree of attacks marveled us  all, did they suddenly grew tired of the killings and butchery of innocent human beings. That lull is ominous; it demands an explanation. The sociopathic, blood-drenched mass-murderers could not have become repentant, and thus, on their own, resolved to end the butchery of the innocent and the forceful takeover of other people’s land.

What a wonder, the last time we ever heard of their operations was in the 9th month of the year 2018. One maybe tempted to ask about the kill switch, we were not aware that there was an on and off kill switch.  Not to mention, the rediculous amount of menace that paraded  the affairs of this country sometimes last year from this terror. Perhaps the holders of this switch May have there hands full and they need to concentrate on the forth coming  elections at hand." Bad publicity is bad for business" they say .

Needless to say that, if our president is Fulani and it was during his regime as president that, the Fulanis suddenly become so powerful to the extent they parade the country side with assault rifles,killing people in mass, destroying properties and lifes . Worst still, they walk around the country side above The law. The Fulanis have never been know to be so popular like they were since the last 4 years. The senseless killing without any form of substantial sopinion carried out,well  their sudden silence has being noticed . One May be right to think that the government of the day is completely aware of how vulnerable we are , and how much of a short memory the society has. One maybe right to say that the people of this regime are guilty, how come the Fulanis are suddenly quite since the past 6 months. Could it be that somebody in the upper room is holding the kill switch and  they want their Man to come back  again so that the madness can continue. No wonder the world will never take us serious in times of insecurity, because 80% of our problems are from within. Worst still is, this very administration has none of our interests at heart ,if  you want this country to move on past all the senseless killing from the Fulanis, there is no doubt it will not  continue if you do not vote with your sense.  " To be fore warn, is to be fore armed".

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