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Thursday 21 February 2019

Pursuits of purpose

Hey! The most predominant expressions you  Will find,  on the faces of people today is  “ I just wanna be successful “ that’s the dream of anyone you find  on the streets anywhere today. Not many people enjoy what they do for a living but, we do what we do just to survive. Life is tough out there, time don’t wait for anyone and life just keeps happening. Most people while in school never believed life could be  so tough. At least, most young people just feel once they are through with school , get a dream job and everything just become so beautiful. Only, when they  are done with school life happens. I have come to realize that the most passionate people in the world today, are the people who  pursue talents after education or those who end up studying a course that is already in line with what they have always wanted to do.
In the world today, many successful people just use education to blend their skill and they become successful.

To be successful, you don’t have to drive the most fancy car or live in an exotic house. My own definition of success is simply doing what you are created to do. Now, doing what you know how to do best, something that just flows from within you so effortlessly, you don’t find it difficult to do or want to do. Something that you have this deep interest for , something that you keep pursuing no matter what, you just find yourself doing, whether your environment make it convenient or not ,you doing it. This thing has to be noble, you will find it through you gives so much to the society without giving you much in return.

Needless to say that, the happiest people and the most successful people in the world today are the people who pursue their talents, skill. Many of us have it in us , along the line when we are growing up we just sideline it. Now, because you sideline or marginalized it doesn’t mean that it no longer exists. Instead it’s always there and most times you just pick it up unconsciously and you find yourself doing it. For example, drawing. I have a friend who is gifted right from when we were young, he likes to draw, he is passionate about it when we were much younger . He would draw on any pepper her saw, he has this gifted hands that whatever he uses his hands to make just end up being beautiful. But because of the economy  situation of the family, his father made him study Business administrations so he can one day do better in his auto-mobile spare parts business. Kunle’ my friend had to drop his gift to pursue a degree in Business administration. To make long story short , he could not cope with his fathers business and instead he chose to become a professional shoe maker. Well, that broke his father’s heart with disappointments. Today, Kunle’ makes shoes for celebrities, he is successful and most of all he is happy. He shoes are so expensive that a common Man like me May not be able to afford them.

            How to identify your purpose

1. What do you think about often : what is that skill that exudes from you effortlessly, that people often make a very good comment on.

2. Do you do it unconsciously : I noticed something with my friend kunle’ at that time. When they make him unhappy or even angry at home! The first thing that can take his mind of the anger is his pencil and paper.

3. Ask your parent: you can as well ask your parent, what it was that you love to do When you were young. That could be a good starting point as well.

4. Be truthful to yourself : in your search for purpose, you must be ready to empty your thoughts of fantasy and be ready to be truthful to yourself and character. You must search honestly without being too over ambitious.

5. Do not underestimate: when you find it, do not underrate it or underestimate it’s look. Only when you embrace it that it will embrace you too.

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