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Saturday 2 February 2019

If he loves me,he will not cheat!!!

Someone once said, that when the man downstairs is up, the man upstairs goes to sleep. A man maybe hopelessly in love and yet cheats on his partner. A man May necessarily not be in love to indulge in the act of sex, while on the other hand, it is  uncommon for a woman to indulge in the act of sex without feelings attached. Many will agree with the regular school of thoughts that depicts that, “men fucks, women make love”. Most men believe that sex and relationship are two very different parallel line that do not meet. Majority of women can only believe otherwise . Most Women can hardly indulge in the act of sex without feelings. Which explains why they are so emotional about almost anything. Men May just call it “random sex” while women call it “love making” and that why most women can easily state it and call it “cheating” without most women knowing that love May not be behind the reason he sleeps with another

woman. This premise is mostly  difficult to explain however,  as it further mystify many women today. Very few women can look beyond a “ cheating “ partner.

The million dollar questions, that many women in the world today ask every time issues like this arise. women find it strange, disappointing to believe. The most logical series of questions they asked when in this kind of predicament are often “if  he loves me like he claimed, then why does he cheat”? If he cares about me, then why will he  go that far to hurt me ? If he truly loves me and respects me, why did he sleep with my friend ,why would he stoop so low as to sleep with our maid. He never loved me, if he ever did, why my sister ,why my cousin  ”.well, countless times we have  seen things like this, heard this statements  like this in a serious fight between two partners, serious arguments between two people or partners. A deep fight that exudes so much pain and excruciating disappointment.  As difficult as it sounds and as crazy as it is; mundanely hard to believe. Men are naturally polygamous in nature. Regardless of the fact that men “cheat” sometimes and can not even explain why.

As a matter of fact, cheating many times comes as result of a relationships being one sided or lingers on one leg. How well does she know her  man. Many relationships today are one sided,while some have long ago hit the rock. In  courtship, before the vows,  the man showers so much love on you, so much affections on you, he does everything and anything just to please you ; women often are easily carried away by all these gestures to the extent they completely forget about who their man really is, what he truly likes and  not like. Is he the moody type, what are his true hobbies  and not just the ones he tells to please you, ones you discovered yourself,his true character ,without anything obstructing  your judgement about this guy, being brutally honest with ones self.

Nevertheless, there are also few loose ends when it comes to women. Many times over as this also mystifies many married man today. Like the common saying “when a woman gets married, she automatically stops trying” .Remember,  something attracted him to you and you guys got hooked. Let it be your mission to master whatever it is that attracted him to you in the first place, do not make it a thing of the past. Was it your beauty, was it your mind, how were you looking then, that you look nothing like now. Many often say that a lot has changed we have kids now, yes you do! What a man want sometimes is to see that you are trying, trying to do better not to forget him. Men love attention,try as much as you can to master your holds on him. It’s tough, but with God you can.
Furthermore, one must not forget that Men are naturally moved by sights  and women by words. For women, the words are   expected to be turned into actions before it becomes mature to  manifestations. In a relationships the both party must learn to master the act of communication however. You must constantly talk to one another. Times will come, storms will arise, misunderstandings will come, but when they come, make sure you communicate even in the midst of all the storms and huddles of troubles, fight in your relationship. The reason why many fights becomes so horrendous many times when partners have a fight, simply  because when fight comes the sense of communication automatically shuts down. Fights are suppose to further strengthen your relationship not destroy it.  Fight is an energy ,energy not well controlled can damage much more; than can be fixed. Very few people undermine the ability to  fight and communicate at the same time, it strengthens any relationship. Fights in relationships are inevitable.

Many research has proven that in a woman's desperation to settle down she hide so many vices that she was not suppose to hide in the first place.  However, in marriage she is made to pay the penalties by condoning what she is not suppose to condone. To keep a man can be very stressful, it is energy consuming, it is like picking a wild animal and trying to teach it a new game. In the teaching him, in teaching him, you must put in mind his ego. A man’s ego is like a pressed disaster just waiting to occur, you must be very careful not to step on that land mine. Eventually when the time comes your investments  on him will grow eventually. Be gentle with him ,be patient with him, respect him. You as his woman must have it in your mind that  putting anything above him May not be healthy . Eventually you will have a smooth sail.