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Wednesday 27 February 2019

Overdose of A.I

Do you know that by the year 2025, emotions, feelings as  human beings, regards for human life would have  reduce by 60 percent? And Life as we all know it, will  become much more harder. The ominous peril is now  upon us all  and worst still, is that  we may have as humans marginalized our humanness for the impendent new age of technological era,we  may have gone entirely below the belt,flushing the very ingredients that makes us human down the toilet. Therefore, making it even more harder for humanity to lI've life  naturally . By the time we realise, the human mind would have been completely simulated as though robotic, it becomes difficult then for  humanity to know how to care ,perhaps feel. The only thing that man may be capable of feeling will be depression, anxiety and  frustrations that will outrightly  increase by  another 50 percent. Humanity may then be  lost in the fact that, life will just be a thing that just happens in the virtual and not in real time.

 Regardless of the facts that,  there are over 7billion people in the world today and  approximately 2billion children,128 million old people within the age bracket of 80 . Be it as it may, over  5.5 billion people make use of this little devices called mobile phones and the mind blowing figures of Over 5.6 billion people that put calls across the world everyday. Not to talk about the Over 4.4billion of the world’s population that constantly make use  of the internet simultaneously on a daily basis. While  WhatsApp has the whooping figure of 1.5 billion active users ,in over 180 countries; constantly using the Whatsapp on a daily basis. Disturbing to say, that an average user of WhatsApp checks more than 25 times per day. Which  means billions and billions of words cross through from one part of the world to another. Life be much  easier we thought but, as it is these  days, life has never being more tough like it is now . Many will agree me that, even as people live together,  they seem to be more and more estranged by each other. No wonder  Sheryl turkles said, in one of her TED talks, about how we are alone together. However was we want to see it, existentialism is reduced to nothing but vague.

Last week, a family had invited me over for a dinner in their home, wonderful idea; at least so I thought . Finally I felt I was going to have a wonderful chat with a more decent, more enlightened family of our time. A senior  professor of one of the most prestigious Universities in the country. It was a privilege that I would have a chat with such a dignity. More so, not just any course of study, but  in Human Relations. Little did I know that, what was coming was going to be a shocker. After an indomitable  3 hours of still hoping that some highly intellectual conversation will occure or drop from the master’s table. Well, it didn't, almost  immediately I regretted my decision to have continued to nurture a hope for 5 hour straight for nothing. There was nothing, only 10 people including the professor, annoingly just playing with their little devices like children. This 5 hours could almost count for eternity, I was the only fellow that was not enjoying this boredom. Reason I think, I did not come with my own little device. Even the prof. Seems to be having a field day than the rest of the people around the table, as he laughed out loud occasionally  . Such a deluded irony we live for a life these days. Here we are face to face, with families, friends yet we prefer to go virtual on our selfs .

 Most people will agree with me that, it is easier to tell nowadays of how a person feels from an emoticons and smileys that pops up on our social platforms. But difficult to decipher  the expressions on a real face, how ironic this is. Regardless of anything, I counted my loss and discovered the  only thing I profited from the dinner, was the boring meal that I felt almost immediately that whoever May have prepared it, may have also being playing with the little  device called mobile phone, what a horrible meal. At least they got the water and the assorted wine right. It was unfortunate that I left the place completely feeling disappointed and empty, no one on the table noticed my leaving anyway, except for a beautiful 5years old girl, that gave  me just a 15 seconds attention ;with such a honest fine smile and a wave that could almost give a life time’s impression . Well, I thought within myself again, as I walk the path that leads to the main exit of the house. I thought about  the recent paradox of life gone epidemic,indeed  been  truly alone together.

This compound ominous lunacy of silence, that just gets hold of us and we completely just loose control and  disconnect from reality  only to connect with an imaginary dimension make-real. Communications  via voice has reduced  completely, as  many people  now  prefer virtual friends to real friends, people prefer the hypocrisy of hiding true self in a world of illusion . Many people would agree with me on the case that, most people in the world today, now have dual personality .Insane to think, that sometimes I hear conversations like “ you are more fun on social media than in reality". True they say, whatever breaks in two, never breaks even. We must more than ever,try to educate people in there wild appetite for the internet and the social media. One must learn how to find a balance between the two instead of marginaliaction. We must keep in mind that the internet is suppose to make life easier not make it worst, is suppose to help us not destroy us, it is suppose to further increase our bind as human beings and not separate us.  

Eventually technology is fast replacing almost every  portion of  our dear  humanity. These  new found technological opium that only makes us so high on deceptions, only to leave us come crashing back  to the ground. These little piece of technology that hangs around every corner of our homes, beside our beds, in our pockets, in our purses, beneath our pillows even while we sleep. This little devices are slowly putting us all in one big bag of  illusions, under the spells that simply makes us think that,what is more important is no longer important after all.  This piece of device, sometimes can be a distraction. Research has proven that the numbers of  people that have continue to go into severe depression  over the past 2 decades has become alarming, all because, many people have allowed this device to dictate how they should live.

Heart breaking to know, that if all cares are not taken. The next  generation to come  may no longer see the need for culture and traditions or religion. Everything that makes us truly human would have been turn apart bit by bit . The unusual threat is the over dependency on  answers from search engines. How does Google recognize who is asking . Many parents these days shy away from their responsibilities by giving their children with mobile phones and the internet. The most terrible fate that  can possibly happen to anyone is  to leave their children for technology to take care of.

Worst still is that, this  little devices may have slowly  become the simulations of our minds. Research also has proven that 70- 80 percent of relationships begin to fall apart because of these little piece of device, that are now the twin replica of our minds. A researcher once said, that a phone is a complete replica of its owners  both in spirit, soul and body. There is so much powers in the hands of everyone,please use it well 

1 comment:

  1. Yes bro... Those little demonic devices are necessary evils.
