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Friday 15 February 2019

Humanity in danger

I still don't understand, I need somebody to clearify a few things for me. I noticed that , when humanity was a little backward in terms of technology advancements ,scientific breakthroughs. I think life meant so much, people lived longer than they do these days.

Please correct me if am wrong, this are not facts, but the things I have noticed on my own, with my environment. I realised that in recent times,children given birth to are outstandingly very smart. Yesterday, i was with a friend and i noticed that his little boy is barely 8 months old and he is already walking , he can point to stuffs, he knows when you are not happy and to mention but few, he understands human emotions, as little as he is. As I take a strole back home I begin to think about the stories my Mama told me about myself, how of all her children I was the smartest. Yet, I took my first step at 1 year 8months. I think everything just happened at that tone,in  their own pace. Perhaps things are just moving a little too fast this days, I think the reasons being that,  the over ambitiousness also reflects on the children the kind of chemically induced foods we eat and the scientific medical scientific discoveries we sometimes sentence our body sistem to. Moreso, perhaps ,for the fact that we push outself too much insearch for knowledge alters the process of things to not follow there natural due procedures of growth.

Needless to say how fast people age this days,mystifies me. The  so much struggle, the competition on the streets is so tight, man must survive. Also coupled with all kinds of break throughs in different works of life through  science, leaving us with all sorts of side effects that affect us and the enviroments we live in. Everything this days is designed through the help of science to break through all the gradual natural processes call  growth.

Worst still,  Natural habitats is difficult to come bye in the market this days. Hybrid food is all we see these days, difficult to find real organic food. When you eat food made from hybrid crops, animals fed or breeded by pure science. Most business, farmers no longer want to grow plant, crops naturally. Since science has opened their eyes to the rediculous  profits in the use of artificial methods. No body seems to talk about side effects these days, as  the truth has become to expensive to come bye. " we live in a time of universal deciete, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"  George Orwell. Nothing feared me more like that of Chicken for example, with the help of hybrid foods and scientific medicine, a chicken can be ready for chop withing the space of 2 months. Now, when you eat such chicken and you eat an average local chicken, breeded  on the farm,with natural food and under natural environment . Almost anyone can testify of the difference in the taste and nutritional values.

Life is short, but humanity and it's discoveries are making life even shorter. Regardless of the facts that, this pollutions have completely gone below the belts. If human consumptions is nothing but chemicals then, what do we have, what kind of show are we putting on. If all this so called chemicals come in from the Overseas and now they have refused to buy our yams because there is high contents of fertilizer in our crops, is that not ironic.

Now according to my lay man knowledge, if we eat of all these in-organic foods and we grow,blossom only to die shortly afterwards. From one illness or another, one way or another you fall pray to an illness that your body anatomy may not  be able to withstand because,you have been eating unhealthy foods. So you get purnished for it by  dieing before your time inevitably. Not to mention that these days, the common advise by doctors! "Eat food like medicine, or you eat medicine like food". Well, I still wonder, I think now I get it clear. Eat organic food only and you can live long for your families or go inorganic,you grow; but not for long.  Do not in your chase to live like them, make you die like them. There is limit to curiosity. The makers of most of this products  hardly even  eat of  them, so before you hand over your life in the hands of science,please think twice at least.

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