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Wednesday 6 May 2020



              ALREADY YOUR EX.

The reasons why most people experience breakup these reasons are  quite simple. The reason is truly simple,most people find themselves in the kind of mess they are in for these fifteen (15) reasons I am about to share with you.

Most people will wonder.
Tell us.
While others would say ok...
But I have tried almost everything in the book and am still in the same mess.

I think I am of that  opinions that may have thoughts,that  there are relationships that may have been doomed to fail from the onset.

Well, I completely want to agree otherwise but, on the other hand, forgive me if i am a bit hash.

I think...

The best way to settle this will be that.
When you have listen to all the reason I have to give,only then can you draw your conclusions however and see that,not like I was pessimistic...


I just believe that,when you keep doing the wrong thing...


The cradle will fall


Try and listen.

I am sorry if this things I will be mentioning May bruise your ego.


I think it's for the best...

It needs to be said.

1. DEFINITION : Most people are in a relationship today out of assumptions. I mean you meet this guy you like or this lady you like, and you guys have been dating for 3 years now and you still don't know!


You don't know what?
You guys are suppose to have define whatever it is that you doing.

 Is it possible that you leave your house and tell people you are coming and you get to the main road and stop a cab,only to ask the driver to take you to "any where".

Is that even possible.

That will be MADNESS...

Don't you think...

I think it means you both don't even know what you are doing, and that's why you not seeing any headway.

It's important that you know this,you find a girl or a guy and you love her and he loves you.

As a guy or lady straight up,define whatever it is that you having. When you find a serious person you would know.

Try to make sense of it..

Why would I want to be around someone that don't know what he or she is doing,no one wants to be with a have to be able to define and know what you want as a lady or as a man.

2. TAKING YOUR SPOUSE FOR GRANTED : No one wants to be taken for granted in a relationship,no one I promise you.

If you love someone,you expect that your opinion should count in their life. When you disrespect your lady or your man,you've already taken your spouse for granted.

By disrespect...

I mean...

When you make her feel like she is nothing...

Some would even say...

"With or without you I will exist".
Hell yes!

Of course you will...

Its bad,terribly bad to say these words,or make you spouse feel useless.

Most men don't like to be taken for granted and no woman as well wants her lover to take her for granted either. If you love your spouse,it simply means, both of you are important to yourselves so,you are  expected to let it show for each other.

Everything you tell each other, should be of value to each other.
If you want your relationship to work, never take your spouse for granted.

3. COMPARISM : Most people are guilty of this,why should you compare your spouse. If you are guilty of this,then you have to stop it this instance.

 If you don't, she is going to leave you or he is going to leave you.
Why in the name of God a we together if you are going to be comparing me with other people out there.

Never compare your spouse,you must know that it amputates your spouse's spirit and it's not good at all.
Know this,here and now.

You can never,will never be happy if you can not be contempted with what you've got.

Look around you.
You know why people fail in their marriages,it's because they are not contempted.

You have to be always thankful.
Appreciate what you have.
at all times.

4. ARROGANCE : Arrogance is a disease and it has cure,it is humility. Some people can be so arrogant  to the point where they offend their partners and they still expect their spouse to say sorry. Sorry is a medicine that prevents further damage.

You have to work on yourself.
Its a problem.

You know it.

Trust me,it's a very gigantic,ginormous problem.

Pride is a very terrible thing in a relationship,why would you be too proud when you are wrong. If you are guilty of this,it's like a cancer,if you don't change and learn how to say sorry.

You may soon be counting alone "The 6 degrees of separation".
It won't change your name,if you say "Sorry" sometime
It won't.

It will only make you look mature,instead.

5. ANGER : Anger is a very terrible thing.Let me tell you what anger brings to your relationship.Anger brings about insecurity both from the guy or the lady.When your spouse,especially the lady,maybe.

Perhaps,she is no longer comfortable with you because of your anger issues.
Or she becomes afraid of you, she thinks what happens when you guys are alone and she offends you,what happens.

Believe me.
You do not want her asking herself that.
Because once she does.

Just know...

That the  end has come.

Same thing goes for ladies,no man want an angry woman for keeps. There are ladies that once they are angry,suddenly it become a redmoon and she begins to destroy things,her spouse's properties and stuff.


Would vibrate and say some nasty things that can not be taken back.
No man can endure such madness for long.

May be a Marlian.


I don't think any man can,it means you are uncontrollable,what if his family or friends are around and you begin to manifest that kind of rage.


I will kneel down...

As a friend.

I will  beg my friend to leave such insanity.

So anger is bad,if you are the angry type learn to control your anger.
Self-control,is important. .
No matter what.

6.JEALOUSY : Jealousy is pretty much a normal thing,when you love someone you are bound to find yourself feeling jealous,especially when you see them around an opposite sex.


This is where Self Control come to play .There are people that can not control their jealousy. Jealousy,if not control can consume you to the point where,it becomes depressing, and thats bad.

 I think jealousy is just as a result of lack of trust and insecurity.


You have to trust your spouse.

Jealousy is cold.

I think it's evil.

If you are the really jealous type,you have to control it,if not! It can ruine your beautiful relationship.


Stop it right.

Jealousy is bad.

7. VIOLENCE : This is the heart of the matter,if you are the violent type you have to stop. If you are the type that hit your partner please stop. Its a dangerous game,it's like playing with fire.

No one should tolerate an abusive partner.


Violence is not the best solution to settling any differences.

You know.

You can be jailed for that.

Domestic violence is  wrong,is not hygenic for any relationship,be it the man or the woman,it's wrong.

8. UNAPPRECIATED : The best way to value your spouse is by appreciation,you have to be practical about it. You have to be able to show her or him that you appreciate whatever it is.

Maybe a moment...

A gift.

No matter how little.

Just appreciate.

You know why?

It makes your spouse feel loved,it gives peace of mind too.

If you don't do this.


Is your case.

8.GREED/STINGY : This one is for the men,if you are the greedy and the stingy type please just know that,perhaps it's the reason your EX left and this one might too.

 If you love someone,you should be able to shower her with some gifts, don't be a stingy ass.

Women hate men that are stingy.
You have to change your pattern if you know you are like that.



No woman is going to want to end up with you knowing that you are greedy and stingy at the same time.

Even if I have never heard this words before and I happen to be hearing it for the first time,I think it still sounds really bad.

9.CHEATING : If you are the cheating type and you think your spouse don't know,believe me she does or he does.May be she loves you more than been right, it's no guarantee sir,it's no guarantee ma'am.

When she leave you or he leaves,you are going to regrete it.
Unfaithfulness is a very terrible thing,it destroys any good thing it comes in contact with,that why you have to be very careful.

If not.

You might end up living your entire life in regrete...

I promise you.

10. UNROMANTIC: If you are the stiff type please,go and learn. Women or guys love ramance,you dont have to be a stiffed ass all the time.

Be romantic and caring.Show your spouse some care,it will give them some  sense of belonging.

Be romantic once in a while and you will see how much your partner can open up to you.

I know .

Some people are smiling..

Just be free.

Especially around your woman or man. These are the things that makes a woman to be madly in love with a guy.

The feeling is the same with a guys too.
If you don't know it.

Learn it...

Don't rush it...

Little by little...

You will find it.

Just care for her.

And things will change.

11.INSENSITIVITY : There are spouse that are so insensitive to one another's feelings. There are guys that are really not emotional,they hardly show feelings.

This in particular has nothing to do with only guys,there are some ladies too that are really insensitive.

You have to listen...

Listen to your man or woman..

When you listen.

You are half way there already.

Some people just act,without even considering there spouse's feelings or emotions. They become a loosed Canon when they are angry and they seems to say some deep hurtful things to their spouse because they are angry.

Some would not even know when something is wrong with their woman or man.

From the voice alone..

You should know...

Know when something is wrong.
I hope i am communicating?

Like I said earlier.

One most learn to control his anger.
There are things,that people would say to each other in a relationship that automatically reduces the intergrity of that relationship.

12.SELFLESSNESS : This is a great virtue to have,if you don't have this then,what do you people have. Putting other people's need before your,like putting you spouse's needs before yours.

I think action speaks louder than voice. I think stuffs like this is call sacrifice,this are the things worth holding on to in a relationship.

Stuffs like this can make anyone,lady or man enter a life time commitment...

Without thinking twice.

That kind of thing...

That virtue is a wife material spoter...

A husband material spoter...

That a point and kill thing.

Forgive my humour.


Love is about sacrifice,it's sometimes about discomforting yourself for others, and that is why this next one should be part of the foundation blocks you build your relationships on.

14.PATIENCE : In relationship, any kind of relationship at all,whether it's an intimate one or a casual one. One thing is always certain,patience.

 All through our lives,this will be constantly tested. Patience defines us and it tell us the kind of stuffs we are made of...

It shows character..


It does and you know it.

One of the most tested virtues of any relationship is patience. Sometimes,in relationship life will   throw all sorts of ugly things your way,it is your patience that will help you out.

Patience is not only tested by your spouse,it will be tested by life itself. So when all is said,patient will be tested.

When things begin to seems rough in your relationships or marriages,just try and learn to understand that it's just for some time,it will be better.

Patience is a character that truly separate a man from a boy, a girl from a woman. You don't have to react to every mistake.

 No one is perfect,you must have that at the back of your mind and if you have a relationship where there is no quarrel please leave...

Look for another one.

It's like in farming,for a soil  to be really fertile you have to find some insects on it,if there are  not any,please leave,because there is nothing you plant there that will actually grow well or yield anything reasonable.



And know that everything we have mentioned...

Can only make your relationship flourish.

15. NAGGING : I have seen men that naggs as I have also come across countless of women that naggs too.

Nagging is one thing that has caused major issues in relationships.


I must tell you.

I know most people know exactly what I am talking about.

If you nag...

That attitude can drive one nuts...

It requires serious patience.

Statistic has it that 70 - 80% of men or women can not stand nagging partner,especially,when they have never seen it before. If you are the nagging type please stop,whether you are a guy or a lady.Please stop,this attitude can make your spouse become your EX.

If you know you enjoyed this write-up...
I am tempted to want it to go above just  enjoying the write-up.

I think I will rather prefer...

if you don't enjoy the write-up...

 But change and keep your spouse instead.

Don't mind me..

Just kidding with you.

I will really want you to love it to the point of changing your perceptions about somethings in your relationships.
I think that will be more fullfilling for me.


Remember to drop your comments in the comment box below,thanks .

Friday 17 April 2020

You don't have to feel terrible 
About your life.You don't need what 
People think about you,just live and enjoy 
True happiness May never come when
You live in the shadow of other you instead,that's the only path to true happiness.

Thursday 16 April 2020


                      5 EASY WAYS
                        TO KIL
                       BELLY FATS

Remember how you were the hottest
girl back in school,how boys were almost killing themselves over you.

I know you do remember...

That killer,neck-breaking and jaw dropping body.

Remember your very flat tommy and fine waiste.

What happened.

How did you get to this very point.

You look in the mirror and you can not recognize yourself.

You keep seeing all the fine cloths,but your tommy won't let you.

I really understand how terrible that feeling really can be.

Sometimes you feel when you pass by,people look at you,and you can see the looks on their faces .

That look...

Like you are so old,yet you are not even close to 40.

Sometimes you see celebrities that are far older than you,with more kids than you.

Still having this killer body...

Why IS your own any different.

It's so difficult...

Especially when your husband looks at you in a very funny way because of your weight.

Not like you've not been trying.

But you have,but this fats...

Especially the ones around the tommy.

Just seats put.

So comfortable...

I just want my body back

You can get your body back,without all the tedious fuming programs that is difficult to combine with your job and and family.

I know how tough it can be.


There 5 tips I could give you that will help you bid 70% of the data around your tommy good bye.

But it will cost you...

It will cost you,just not in a very tedious way.

Not like the your previous gyming programs.

After this,you will throw all those tough gyming programs aside.

I have been doing this...

For the past 2 years now...

And I feel great.

Not just great...

I am talking about the good,healthy looking great.

It's easy...

You will like as well

              5 TIPS TO LOOSING FAT

1.STOP ALL FATTY FOOD AT 6PM: At exactly 6pm in the evening,make sure all fatty foods end.

The only food you can eat sorry are fruits and vegetables and water.this will make help your system to be free and healthy.

2. MORNING : You will have to get some good green tea,once you wake in the morning,take one cup as this will immediately help your in preparations for the day.

3.PLATE : you must change all the big plates for smaller ones.

To avoid temptations...

I know you know what I mean.

Don't you...

4: JUNKS: you have to cut down your junk consumption.

You must...

I know you looking at me somehow ...

But true...

You have too...

5.THE LAST ACTIVITY BEFORE BED: The last thing you do before you sleep at night is,to take another cup of green tea.

You must not put sugar...

No milk...

Just great tea...

It's tough. ..

But after 3 days,you body will get use to it.

Trust me on this one...

Try it...

It will build you a while new body and in no time,you will be back wearing all your dream cloths.

In no time...

You husband will begin to enjoy the views.

You know what I mean.

I hope you these was helpful to you all.

Don't forget to get back to me on the comment box,once you begin to feel the change.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Lifechronicles : The grave is too stiff.

Lifechronicles : The grave is too stiff.: When you come to that Conclusion in your life,where   You are not in competition  With anyone. Life is a gift,a beautiful  Gift,do ...

The grave is too stiff.

When you come to that
Conclusion in your life,where  
You are not in competition 
With anyone. Life is a gift,a beautiful 
Gift,do not live it in desperation.
Enjoy it,embrace.The grave is 
Too stiff I promise.



                        4 REASONS.
                       WHY  LADIES     
                ADVISE EACH OTHER

Many will agree that women are such a terrible advisers,especially on subjects like  relationship.

 Not too many understand the reasons why they just can not tell each other the truth.

Most ladies prefers to seek the wisdom of a guy instead,than to confide in their friends that are girls.

As ironic as it may sound,what are we friends for if we cant trust each other.

Trust me you don't wanna know the answer to that one!

So am gonna zip...

And just do my thing...

Needless to say how difficult it is

Such a tough pill to swallow...

Still why?

I mean,not like most of them cant;
But obviously they just won't...

Give each other a good relationship advise...

But am here and now am gonna tell you all the "WHY"...

Please don't say I told you...

Allow me  to quickly state the 4 best reasons why
Ladies are so terrible at advising each other.

I think some of these things are probably  things we see everyday...
And the reason is simple...
You will see...

1. COMPETITION :As much a two girls can be friends from way back,all their lives they've been friends, still they are so  watchful of each other.

 Women like to competite with each other,its like a cold war,everything just happening in their heads.

They never accept it when it's about their friend's success story.

It's crazy right!

I know...

But it's also true...
The question of "why not me" always come up with ladies.How can she have a boyfriend and
I don't,why is she riding a car and I dont!

So I have to get a car...

No matter the costs...

Am sure a lot girls can relate

Guys would find stuffs like  these very funny..

But girls,its no joke.

2.JEALOUSY: Jealousy is a very crazy thing,most ladies don't trust anyone with their boyfriends;especially their friends.

It happens a lot that just because a guy like some girl and her friends will
Want to just destroy the relationship.

Don't ask me why?

Nobody knows...

she prefers,for both of  them to  not have a guy.


Is that crazy?


I think it is,
Am sure a lot of people can relate to these.

Out of jealousy,most women have done despicable
Things to one another.

Very crazy...

Jealousy,the constant jealousy that exudes from women can be unbelivable attimes.

Why do you have to wish your friend bad ,just becuase he she is getting married.

Or she is successful

Countless times have we seen friends do hideous things to each other,just out of jealousy.

You can trust me on this one...

Women hate it especially when their friends are progressing and they seems to be stocked.

3.FRIENDS HAVE THE SAME TASTE: A lady once told me that, one of the reasons why she don't trust any other girl.

Not even her sister.

She said this and made me see that she was dead serious.

Girls naturally  have the same taste for guys,and that's why when a girl has a boyfriend;they  find  it very hard to show some of  their friends.


Making sense right!

You never can tell she might pick interest and can go any length just to see that her friend's boyfriend ends up with her .

It's crazy but it's true,ladies will never trust each other.

I know you probably  wondering too...

I think that's the way they are...

That's just how  God created them.

Who are we to question. ..

4.UNFORGIVENESS: A friend of mine once said women hardly forgive each other.

That's wired..

I thought so too..

They hardly do, and according to my friend who happens to be an expert in anything that concerns women.

Once said, even when women have issues with each other,they hardly forget,so they hardly forgive.

All they do is pretend and just wait.

That's so cold shit ...

Don't think?

She  just wait for an opportunity to get her revenge.

Very crazy...

He said,it has everything to do with the way they are configured...

Thats a crazy  configuration

But we the men,love them like that.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Goodmorning everyone,I don't really know how to say this but, life has been tough in recent times and it has made me unable to teach out to my most priceless gift you my family. I am back now as I have won my adversaries, all Wil be more than happy to share with you all. There is a YouTube link at the beginning of this write-up please watch the video,subscribe, share if possible and drop and tell me what you think about this video. I hope and pray it adds values to your life.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Defend her honor first

“You should have defended me out there and blame me in here, I would have listen to you, instead you went and sat down with your family and you finished listening to all the blames, both the things I did and the ones I didn't and here you are screaming at me and calling me names over what I didn’t do”. There and there after hearing these statements. I immediately regretted my decision and further  questioned myself. Why of all days did I decided to carry my two left legs to visit my friend. Haven heard the first proofs that should have made me stand up and disappeared. Yet again I was still sutting down jejely in the living room when all of a sudden this shouts and cries cascaded from upstairs down to where I was seated.

Already, before I made my conclusions that my friend and his wife are in a very serious argument their daughter Racheal had already reported the matter. In her words “ sir, my Daddy will soon give my Mummy a dirty slap for slapping and kicking my Daddy” . Immediately she disappeared again into the tin air in the direction of the bedrooms upstairs. I was already on my foot in front of the television that was suppose to entertain me as a guest, but reverse is the case, instead it was the television was the one watching me as I try to decide to go upstairs or  not to go. Almost as I was about making a move to take the first climb of the stairs case , I saw my friend coming down with his face frawned face like one who just chewed a piece of lime orange. I looked at his shirt and I confirmed what little Racheal told me earlier, about her mother slapping and kicking her father. My friend is a very fair man, could also notice the injuries on his neck, obviously they were her  nails. Tunde my friend was trying to play cool, to cover up for his wife as he smiled and begged me to go and hang out and talk over a few drinks.

Dead silent in the car as we go down the central area to find a bar .finally we got an hotel and here we were just by the bar with a good views of the beautiful pool just not far from us, the light around the pool made everyone around it so beautiful,my friend was still silent. The matter at hand did not allow  me enjoy the ambiance of this very place. Upon arrival of our orders,in a rush he opened tge drink,like he just dropped from a desert,his first drink almost made the first bottle a thing of the past. Shortly after a deep breath he began. “My guy ,I swear man dey tolerate some kind extra shits, do you know that my wife slapped me, she was literally fighting me, look at my neck , no! no! just take a look” he said angrily as he finished the bottle as he called on the barman to bring another bottle. So he continued again “ what did I do wrong. Earlier today, I received a call from my mother telling me that, my younger brother’s wife was very disrespectful to my wife over the weekend when she came around, so she begged my wife to forgive and she told my wife a few other things that the lady has done too to her just to make my wife understood that she is not the only one the girl disrespects and maybe this may actually  calm her down, only for her my mum to  receive a call from her other children fighting and shouting and threatening that they are all coming to throw the girl out of her husband’s house. So my mum  told me that she didn’t like what my wife did,she told her all those thing out trusts . I apologize and begged mumsy down on behalf of my wife,later on I asked my wife in all calmness on why she called all these people to report all this things, she should have allowed my mother handle it her own way“ by the time he finished explaining I saw two empty bottles and he was half way into the third one. Without listening to the end, i knew what made his wife so mad. I confirmed it when he said “ I called her a gossip, I didn't  Even   say that. She just formulated everything, I just started sceaming that i said she was going around talking about the affairs of my family to everybody, she started screaming and I told her to shut up. Then the whole thing changed again, as she started  claiming  that I want to beat her. What kind of madness is this men” Another bottled bites the dust .

Haven thought deeply within myself, so I began, my friend you have today proofed to me that you are indeed a gentle man, not many men could hold their pride, temper this long;especially when they are truly  right; but you did. You have over come the trials of today, when you get home apologies to your wife so you can have peace. We apologies not because we are wrong sometimes, but because we value our relationship with our spouses more than been right,also my friend your peace of mind is more important men.

Now you know, it is not a good feeling at all to discover that your spouse don’t gat your back outside. Nothing is as painful as that feeling, knowing that you spouse is supporting another that is not you.For a woman, you have to fight, protect her dignity out side; even though deep inside you know that she is wrong, you have to protect her pride. When you alone with her, when nobody is there you can tell her how you feel about the entire arguments. Most people often make that mistake, going to take side  outside and just because they are convinced that they are right. It was never a game of being right or wrong . It’s about protection and deep understanding my Man.

      NOW  YOU KNOW.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Words to be unspoken.

My neighbors are at it again, they are at each other's throats again.The words they use on one another can  set almost anything on ablaze. The venomous nature of words they both used on each other shows no mercy at all; as it constantly  tears the walls of  Jericho. None of them was holding back any string of muscles as they both went whole 9 yards on each other. it was not a pleasant sight I imagined, it was  indeed battlefield. No one can sleep under such a hot conditions, so I was forced to listen. After listening for a while, I noticed the horrendous nature of the insults my neighbor and his wife rained  upon  other, but like Hiroshima and Nakazaki my neighbor's wife was quick drop a bomb in the form of a word that almost immediately changed face of the conflict, no one saw it coming,it was unthinkable. In her own very words she said "I am only concern about money you waste on them,I know no lady out there can enjoy that broomstic of a penis of yours" that was the stroke that broke the camel's back . Any man who hear what she said to her husband, May never forgive her on behalf of all the men. Personally, I think she took it too far; for she has  said the unthinkable. No woman should use such a word on a person you claim to love. What she said immediately brought silence upon the earth, I could almost envisaged the predicament of the man at this time, he must be in  shock, a lot of things going through his mind at the moment. From the silence,He never saw that one coming,never knew she was capable of saying such a thing. I think the only saving grace the Man had was that it all happened within the confines of their bedroom. The next thing I heard the man said was “ this is the end of both of us” as the door bangs to a  close.

Regardless of anything, there  are words meant to be unspoken, for no reason should go that far as to use things like this on another person, especially with somebody you share so much intimacy with, someone you love. Words can almost reduce something so good to nothing and can make something so bad look good, In between is a choice. There will always be conflict in relationships, but know this, how you handle it is what makes you a better person. Two wrongs can never make a right. Sometimes It is the ability to not do that makes one a better person. Trying to inflict pains with words on one another whenever  there is conflicts in a relationship is mostly the final recipe for ending any relationship. Just like my neighbor, the both of them didn't have to  say such terrible thing to each other, they were both talking and none of them was listening, none of  them was communicating . None of them made any efforts  to address the problem instead, they were both hell bent on seeing each other in pains. The only thing they got right was to not let the conflict end up in physicality. The Man left the room when he had enough, perhaps he should have left long before he did. For taking so much only to walk away, I think he should be commended, I think he deserves a medal. Below are the words that can almost reduce any good relationship to nothing. Words like the ones below.


1. I regret the day I met you
2. I hate you
3. I wonder how I ended up with a man like you
4. You are the most useless man I have ever seen
5. Shame on you
6. You are a wicked man
7. Weak man
8. Horrible man
9. Casanova
10. Drunkard
11. In spite my efforts to manage your small dick
12. Terrible woman
13. Bitch
14. Fuck yourself
15. Shameless he goat

Sunday 3 March 2019

Happiness is love.

The rate at which many people suffer from unhappiness in their relationships these days, is nothing but alarming. From one  severe emotional  pain of  stress to another. From one anxiety problem to another, all kinds of depression and disatisfaction issues that engulf many relationships and marriages today. If care is not taken, one maybe tempted to say that ,most of these problems that seems to be rampant amongs relationships today maybe self inflicted.

Regardless of the facts that, most women, perhaps men too; these days,think they are smart to have chosen  wealth over happiness . Smart, yeah! Smart alright! But only in reverse. Whatever choices you’ve made today, know it will  deffinatly echoe  in  your tomorrow . Many women today, for one reason or another have  sacrificed happiness for comfort, happiness for luxury, happiness for wealth. Worst still, men are also victims of this formidable  cancer. Unless people  come to the  complete realization that, choosing a life partner has everything to do with the abilities to be honest with one’s  self. The ability to be brutally honest with yourself, beyond any equivocations . People must  know that, the value of happiness far outweighs  the value of wealth. It is common reality to say that, in the matters of the heart, the interest of  happiness should come first above  other things. We all  have rights as human beings to  love whoever makes us happy. We must  love, not because of  perfection,but to compliment one another or complete one another. More realistic to say that, it shouldn't be  because you need this very person but, for the singular reason that this person needs you. If this is the only reason for love. Well,I think this reason  is far enough.

Assumption I heard is the mother of all fuckups. Even as many  people already  find it completely ridiculous to think, that as a woman or as a man, If you have one way or another dumped the love of your life for material love or luxury, please note, that you may have lost your true path in life. Love must always come first in all we do. Even though there many other  reasons why relationships hit the rock today,most ladies would  say " he was not looking ready" while others May say  "He  was too broke for me" Well, I have just a few words of advice for you. Most women that  run rampage, firing  in all cylinders,only to get trapped in a dilemma  between the devil and the deep blue sea, stocked with a man whom with all his money and wealth can not make them happy . Moreso,there men who have deliberately refused to settle down with the person they know that they  love, because of class " she is no longer my level" I often  heard many them say .True they say “Money can’t buy love”. Eventually, most men or women often come to the regret and  realize  that, happiness outweighs wealth or luxury in life, most  especially when you are trapped between making a life time decision in commitments, like marriage.

The inabilities  for many people to not see or just pretend  to not know the true meaning of  happiness; makes it so hard to chew down to the bones. Many of them who support such hypocracy often   fallen  victims because of their over ambitiousness, which may have in turn affected their perceptions about life .  Life on the other hand  can be difficult at times, capable  of throwing  all sorts of rubbish at one. Needless to say that, one way or another bad experiences May be to blame in some occassion,reasons responsible for many peoples poor sense judgements today . Perhaps you have witness the highest level of disappointments in life or your up bringing may be poor . It is  not a bad thing to want  something good for yourself. Perhaps, you have witness the depth of poverty while growing up as a child and you know what it truly means to lack the good thing of  life. Or maybe, you have seen the true face of hardship in your life, and maybe you never  want to end up in that same pit as your sister or your friend. One can understand but, one may not necessarily be a  carpenter to know a bad chair.

Many research has proven that, most men often say they were abandoned because their Ex thought they would never make it in life .While other say that their Ex clearly told them that they couldn’t wait any longer. While most women also complaine about there men leaving them because they felt they were below the belt in terms of their educational standards .

 Regardless of anything, love don’t have To be perfect, it just need to be honest, it takes a honest love to make a life time commitment. Now
When you truly find a gentleman or a wonderful lady that for no reason just  adores you, and is willing to carry you along wherever, please make yourself comfortable, because you have made the right choice. Trust me when I say that , trials would come but, the joy of happiness will always see you through. Remember, that your happiness is first above any other, also remember that, the worst fate that could befall anyone is, to end up in a forever relationship and not be in love with the person , there is no posterity in that. The choice is always for  you and you alone to take. Remember that, your happiness is paramount to your well being.

Thursday 28 February 2019

That lady!

Do you know that most women are unhappy in their love relationships. Several occasions, they had to continue to endure and nurture hope that someday it’s going to get better. Most women walk around wearing all kinds of attitudes as face, trying to pretend that all is well. Do you know that many women may have specialized in the acts deceptions to the extent that, they now deceive one  another . Do you know that many couples in relationships tend to expect so much from each other, perhaps, because of what they see on the internet and maybe learn and hear from friends. Do you know that the real reasons behind most relationships hitting the rock bottom is because of lack of contentment and Over ambitiousness.?

Regardless of anything and no matter how harsh the predicament may be, honesty is the key to a great relationship of commitment .you don’t have to deceive each other just to have the better of each other. You don’t have to pretend to have him, be real to yourself first and every other good thing in life will find you. Many of us are aware of the massive weight and pressure that the internet sometimes put on the society, especially the female figure. We are fully aware of the constant tussle between your true self and what the world expect you to be. Remember, you don’t have to always pretend to wear a smiling face, while the real you die by instalment on the inside.

You are beautiful just the way you are, not a crime at all to have role model, not a crime to want to learn from people who are better. It becomes full blown madness when you are trap or lost in the world of Someone else.  We are aware that the social media has made a convenient platform to be fake but, the choice is yours. Know your limit, know what you need. Never use another woman’s yardstick on yourself or your relationship. You must understand we are all on a journey so, know who is going your way or not because, with the internet, everybody seems to be under the illusion that  we are all going the same way. How completely untrue . Many women who have gotten too intoxicated with life  on the internet, always and almost quickly run into depression that may take an entire life time to over come.

Furthermore,be real with yourself, love who you are, be proud of who you are . Never look down on any progress no matter how small you may have achieved. Let your happiness come from within you and reflect on your outer face. Nothing ever remain the same and someday ,you will come to a realization that life has always being about choice. Life can be tough sometimes for a lady, especially when you are young and trying to make the right choice. Try at all cost to be truthful, both to yourself and character and your lover.
                       NOW YOU KNOW!!!