The rate at which many people suffer from unhappiness in their relationships these days, is nothing but alarming. From one severe emotional pain of stress to another. From one anxiety problem to another, all kinds of depression and disatisfaction issues that engulf many relationships and marriages today. If care is not taken, one maybe tempted to say that ,most of these problems that seems to be rampant amongs relationships today maybe self inflicted.
Regardless of the facts that, most women, perhaps men too; these days,think they are smart to have chosen wealth over happiness . Smart, yeah! Smart alright! But only in reverse. Whatever choices you’ve made today, know it will deffinatly echoe in your tomorrow . Many women today, for one reason or another have sacrificed happiness for comfort, happiness for luxury, happiness for wealth. Worst still, men are also victims of this formidable cancer. Unless people come to the complete realization that, choosing a life partner has everything to do with the abilities to be honest with one’s self. The ability to be brutally honest with yourself, beyond any equivocations . People must know that, the value of happiness far outweighs the value of wealth. It is common reality to say that, in the matters of the heart, the interest of happiness should come first above other things. We all have rights as human beings to love whoever makes us happy. We must love, not because of perfection,but to compliment one another or complete one another. More realistic to say that, it shouldn't be because you need this very person but, for the singular reason that this person needs you. If this is the only reason for love. Well,I think this reason is far enough.
Assumption I heard is the mother of all fuckups. Even as many people already find it completely ridiculous to think, that as a woman or as a man, If you have one way or another dumped the love of your life for material love or luxury, please note, that you may have lost your true path in life. Love must always come first in all we do. Even though there many other reasons why relationships hit the rock today,most ladies would say " he was not looking ready" while others May say "He was too broke for me" Well, I have just a few words of advice for you. Most women that run rampage, firing in all cylinders,only to get trapped in a dilemma between the devil and the deep blue sea, stocked with a man whom with all his money and wealth can not make them happy . Moreso,there men who have deliberately refused to settle down with the person they know that they love, because of class " she is no longer my level" I often heard many them say .True they say “Money can’t buy love”. Eventually, most men or women often come to the regret and realize that, happiness outweighs wealth or luxury in life, most especially when you are trapped between making a life time decision in commitments, like marriage.
The inabilities for many people to not see or just pretend to not know the true meaning of happiness; makes it so hard to chew down to the bones. Many of them who support such hypocracy often fallen victims because of their over ambitiousness, which may have in turn affected their perceptions about life . Life on the other hand can be difficult at times, capable of throwing all sorts of rubbish at one. Needless to say that, one way or another bad experiences May be to blame in some occassion,reasons responsible for many peoples poor sense judgements today . Perhaps you have witness the highest level of disappointments in life or your up bringing may be poor . It is not a bad thing to want something good for yourself. Perhaps, you have witness the depth of poverty while growing up as a child and you know what it truly means to lack the good thing of life. Or maybe, you have seen the true face of hardship in your life, and maybe you never want to end up in that same pit as your sister or your friend. One can understand but, one may not necessarily be a carpenter to know a bad chair.
Many research has proven that, most men often say they were abandoned because their Ex thought they would never make it in life .While other say that their Ex clearly told them that they couldn’t wait any longer. While most women also complaine about there men leaving them because they felt they were below the belt in terms of their educational standards .
Regardless of anything, love don’t have To be perfect, it just need to be honest, it takes a honest love to make a life time commitment. Now
When you truly find a gentleman or a wonderful lady that for no reason just adores you, and is willing to carry you along wherever, please make yourself comfortable, because you have made the right choice. Trust me when I say that , trials would come but, the joy of happiness will always see you through. Remember, that your happiness is first above any other, also remember that, the worst fate that could befall anyone is, to end up in a forever relationship and not be in love with the person , there is no posterity in that. The choice is always for you and you alone to take. Remember that, your happiness is paramount to your well being.
Nice write-up, I guess happiness is all that matters